Publication Ethics

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at Luxor University believes that every word published in every article matters and has a significant contribution to the scientific community. Henceforth, we believe that the scholarly record of any journal to be concrete and credible, it must have a strict policy for publication ethics for the publisher, the editor, reviewers, and authors (According to COPE instructions). All the previous pillars are considered partners to ensure that best practices are being implemented to protect the scholarly record from any violation of publication ethics.

Ethics Policy for the Publisher

  • Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University believes that it has a crucial role to play in helping to maintain the integrity of the scholarly record by supporting the enormous efforts made by journal editors and the frequently unnoticed volunteer work performed by peer reviewers who provide the journal with great and limitless support with their knowledge. Although ethical standards naturally focus on the transgressions that occasionally happen, the system's effectiveness and the fact that issues are very infrequent are a testament to scholarly practice. Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University is ultimately responsible for ensuring that best practices are followed in all articles published in its journal, in addition to playing a supportive, investing, and nurturing role in the scholarly communication process.
  • We are dedicated to making sure that editorial decisions are not influenced by the opportunity for advertising, reprints, or other commercial money for any reason.
  • Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University adheres to providing researchers with sufficient knowledge about publication ethics through onsite workshops to ensure best scholarly practices are maintained.
  • Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University is committed to making all content published in the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management archived on its website on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank in case it stops publication.
  • The business model which is applied by the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, focuses on authors’ fees exclusively as the only revenue source for the journal (available on the journal’s info). The journal does not rely on other revenue sources such as; advertising, reprints, or institutional support. In case the business model changes, it will be announced clearly on the journal’s website (section of journal’s info).
  • Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University provides free access to all articles published in the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles under the following conditions: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  • Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University does not participate in or allow any advertising or direct marketing activities related to the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management. In case that happens, we will make sure that these activities do not affect the editorial decision on what is to be accepted or rejected from articles under submission.

Ethics Policy for Editor

Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University employs an ethics policy that should be implemented by the managing editor of IJTHM. This policy is divided into four items which include multiple actions as follows:

  • Editorial process.
  • Peer review Process.
  • Actions of Integrity.
  • Regulations of Using Technology in Journal Editorial Process.

Editorial process

  • A scholarly journal's editor, frequently in collaboration with the peer reviewers and editorial board, decides which of the submissions to the journal should be published. Such decisions must always be supported by the work in question's validity as well as its significance to readers and scholars. Regarding matters like libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism, the editor may be led by the editorial board's policies and restrained by any applicable legal requirements at the time. When making these choices, the editor may consult with other editors or reviewers.
  • The managing editor of IJTHM is responsible for providing authors with advice on how to improve their manuscripts in the event of rejection.
  • Authors have the right to appeal the editorial decision if they have concrete and persuasive scientific justifications.

Peer Review Process

  • The editor is responsible for making sure the peer review procedure is impartial, timely, and fair. Normally, at least two external, impartial reviewers must evaluate research articles, and the editor should seek out further input as necessary.
  • In order to ensure proper, inclusive, and diverse representation, the editor must choose reviewers who have the necessary experience in the subject being reviewed. In order to prevent the selection of dishonest peer reviewers, the editor must adhere to standard practices. In order to ascertain whether there is any chance of bias, the editor must go over all disclosures of potential conflicts of interest and requests for self-citation made by reviewers.
  • The manuscript is sent to two reviewers for the double-blind review process. The identity of the author/s is not disclosed to the reviewers and vice-versa. On receipt of feedback from reviewers.
  • The managing editor evaluates the feedback, and the review decision could be one of the following: accept, accept with corrections, or reject.
  • If the research is rejected by one of the reviewers, it will be sent to a third reviewer.

Actions of Integrity

  • The managing editor should act in a fair and balanced way when carrying out his duties, without discrimination on grounds of gender, ethnicity, citizenship, sexual orientation, or religious or political beliefs. The major criteria for making a decision towards manuscripts should be connected to contributing new knowledge, conceptual quality, appropriate methodology, technical competence, and clarity.
  • Authors and reviewers should receive clear instructions from the editor on all that is required of them to ensure that all individuals are committed to values of transparency, honesty, and integrity.
  • Unless otherwise agreed with the pertinent authors and reviewers, the editor must maintain the confidentiality of all material submitted to the journal and all discussions with reviewers. When it is deemed necessary to look into potential ethical violations, the editor may, under extraordinary circumstances and in conjunction with the publisher, share a limited amount of information with editors of other journals, institutions, and other groups that look into cases of research misconduct.
  • The editor has no rights to use the unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript for any reason in independent research projects without the author's express written approval.
  • If the editor has any potential conflicts of interest, he should declare these conflicts in writing to the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University before his appointment. If additional conflicts later surface, the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University should be updated. Such declarations may be published in the journal by the publisher on the journal’s website.
  • All received manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism with the Program accredited by the Digital Library at Luxor University.
  • The editor should investigate and evaluate any reported or suspected wrongdoing (research, publishing, reviewer, and editorial) in order to protect the integrity of the written record, and cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University. Multiple steps must be taken in this regard such as getting in touch with the paper's or manuscript's author and giving each complaint and claim serious consideration, but they could also involve additional discussions with the pertinent organizations and research agencies. Additionally, the editor must make proper use of the publisher's tools for catching wrongdoing like plagiarism.
  • An editor should work with the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University (and/or society) to organize the rapid publication of a correction, retraction, expression of concern, or other correction to the record, as may be necessary when confronted with convincing proof of misconduct.

Regulations of Using Technology in the Journal Editorial Process

  • A manuscript that has been submitted needs to be treated confidentially. A submitted article should not be uploaded in full or in part to a generative AI tool by the editor because doing so may violate the authors' rights to confidentiality and proprietary information as well as their rights to privacy when the manuscript contains personally identifiable information.
  • This obligation to maintain confidentiality applies to any correspondence with the manuscript, including any letters of notification or rejection, as they might contain private details about the work or its authors. Because of this, editors shouldn't submit their letters to an AI tool, even if it's merely to make them more grammatically correct and readable.
  • Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University is committed to the highest standards regarding the peer-review process. Thus, we believe that the peer-review process can only be done by humans without any intervention from AI-assisted technologies.
  • Authors are permitted to utilize generative AI and AI-assisted technologies throughout the writing process before submission, but only to enhance the language and readability of their article and with the proper disclosure.

Ethics Policy for Reviewers

The ethics policy for reviewers of IJTHM is divided into three parts. The first part refers to what is expected from every reviewer to do regarding the peer review process for each manuscript. The second part includes actions of integrity to ensure that best practices are being implemented with respect to the peer review process. Finally, the last part illustrates regulations of using technology during the review process. The managing editor of IJTHM is responsible for monitoring the ethics policy for reviewers with its three parts.   

Expected Roles of Reviewers

  • Peer review supports the editor in editing judgments and may also help the author improve the article through editorial communications with the author. Peer review, which is the cornerstone of the scientific method, is a crucial part of formal scholarly communication. Reviewers are expected to treat authors and their work with respect and to follow appropriate reviewing etiquette in addition to the specific ethical obligations specified below.
  • A reviewer should not allow a co-reviewer to participate in the peer review process without the approval of the managing editor In case of approval, the reviewer must limit the role of the co-reviewer to gaining experience only.
  • Any chosen referee who believes he lacks the necessary expertise or knowledge to evaluate the research described in a submission or who is aware that doing so quickly will be impossible should let the editor know and reject to take part in the review process.

Actions of Integrity

  • Any manuscripts that are sent to a reviewer for review need to be handled with confidentiality. Without the editor's permission, reviewers are not allowed to disclose their opinions or information about the work to anybody or get in touch with the authors directly.
  • Reviewers should first discuss this with the editor to ensure that confidentiality is upheld and that participants receive the proper credit. Some editors promote discussion with coworkers or co-reviewing activities. Without the author's express written authorization, a reviewer may not use any unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript for their own work. Peer review's privileged knowledge or ideas must be kept secret and not used for one's own benefit.
  • Reviews ought to be carried out impartially. When assessing a document, reviewers should be conscious of any personal bias they may have. It is unethical to criticize the author personally. reviewers should clearly state their positions and provide evidence to back them up.
  • Before agreeing to review a manuscript when they have potential conflicts of interest caused by cooperative, competitive, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, businesses, or institutions associated with the articles, reviewers ought to discuss it with the editor.
  • If a reviewer proposes that an author include citations to their work, it must be for legitimate scientific grounds and not with the goal of improving the reviewer's citation count or increasing the visibility of their work (or that of their associates). The editor must be consulted about this suggestion to ensure that this proposal is only for the benefit of the manuscript.
  • Any major similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published material of which the reviewer has personal knowledge should be flagged by the reviewer as something that the editor should be aware of. Any claim that a certain observation, deduction, or argument has already been recorded should be supported by the appropriate citation.

Regulations of Using Technology in the Journal Peer Review Process

  • Assessing a scientific manuscript implies duties that are exclusively within the purview of people. Henceforth, the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University is committed to focusing on making the review process to be done only by humans to protect any possible breach of researchers’ privacy and rights. It is an ethical commitment for any reviewer to notify the managing editor of IJTHM about using any technological methods during the peer review process. The reviewer must determine in which parts of the manuscript these methods are used and the solid reasons behind this approach.

Ethics Policy for Authors

IJTHM adheres to an ethics policy for authors which includes two major parts. The first part reflects actions that guarantee the credibility and integrity of the authors. The second part includes some regulations which should be implemented by authors regarding their manuscripts.

Actions of Integrity

  • The authors should make sure that their writing is wholly unique, and if they have utilized someone else's ideas or words, they should make sure that they have quoted or cited them correctly and, if required acquired permission.
  • Always give due credit to other people's contributions. Authors should provide references to works that affected the reported work and provide the work with the proper perspective within the greater body of scholarly literature. Private information received through conversations, letters, or discussions with third parties is not to be used or reported upon without the source's express written consent.
  • Authors should take collective responsibility for submitted and published work. responsibility is not limited to the corresponding author.
  • Plagiarism can take many different forms, including passing off another author's paper as the author's own study, copying or paraphrasing significant portions of another article without giving due credit, and claiming the findings of other people's research. Any sort of plagiarism is forbidden and is considered unethical behavior.
  • The raw data related to an article may be requested from authors for editorial review. If possible, authors should be ready to make these data accessible to the public, and in any case, they should be ready to keep these data for a fair amount of time after publication.
  • Authors should be committed that all data provided in their manuscripts is not manipulated.
  • Authors of reports on original research ought to give a truthful summary of the work done and an unbiased analysis of its relevance. The paper should appropriately describe the underlying data. A paper should have enough information and citations to ensure its quality and credibility. False or deliberately inaccurate statements are inappropriate and represent unethical behavior to the scholarly record.
  • Reviews and articles in professional publications must also be truthful and unbiased, and editorial "opinion" works must be labeled as such.
  • In general, an author shouldn't submit submissions reporting essentially the same study to more than one principal journal of publication. It is unacceptable to simultaneously submit the same work to multiple journals, which is considered unethical behavior.
  • An author should not submit an article that has already been published for consideration in another journal, with the exception of an abstract, as part of a published lecture or academic thesis, or as an electronic preprint.
  • All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

Regulations to Authors’ Manuscripts.

  • Only individuals who significantly contributed to the conception, design, implementation, or interpretation of the reported study should be given the privilege of authorship. Co-authors should be named for everyone who contributed significantly.
  • The corresponding author is responsible for making sure that the manuscript has all necessary co-authors, none of whom should be, and that all co-authors have seen, approved, and agreed to the paper's submission for publication.
  • Before submitting their work, writers are asked to carefully evaluate the order of the authors and offer a final list of authors at that time.
  • The work's authors accept a shared responsibility for it. Each individual author is responsible for making sure that any concerns regarding the truthfulness or integrity of any component of the work are duly investigated and addressed.
  • The usage of AI-assisted technologies by authors in their manuscripts should only be done to enhance the readability and linguistic quality of the work. Because AI can provide authoritative-sounding output that may be inaccurate, incomplete, or prejudiced, using the technology should be done with human oversight and control, and authors should carefully review and revise the result. The work's content is ultimately within the control and accountability of its writers.
  • The use of AI-assisted technologies should be disclosed by the authors in their manuscript, and a statement will be included in the final product. Declaring the use of these tools encourages openness and confidence between writers, readers, reviewers, editors, and contributors. It also makes it easier for users to abide by the conditions of use of the tool or technology in question.
  • Authors shouldn't cite AI as an author or name AI and AI-assisted technologies as co-authors. Authorship entails obligations and duties that are unique to humans and can only be assigned to them.
  • It is the responsibility of the author to promptly contact the journal editor or publisher when they find a serious error or inaccuracy in their own published work and to work with the editor to retract or correct the manuscript, as the editor may think necessary. The author must collaborate with the editor, including providing supporting documentation as needed, if the editor or publisher learn from a third party that a published work contains an error.

The Ethics can be downloaded from here