Demarketing As an Effective Technique for Sustaining Heritage Sites in Luxor City


1 Researcher, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University, Egypt

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University, Egypt


Cultural heritage has gotten a lot of attention in recent decades because of its economic and social value. Heritage is a fragile non- renewable resource, which has to be safeguarded both to maintain its authenticity and to preserve it for future generations ,Visitor management has become a major tool in controlling visitors’ flow. The main purpose of this research is to identify and explore the effectiveness of demarketing tool in preserving the heritage sites (Luxor city –case study). The mixed approach methodology was used to conduct the research with mixed techniques. The quantitative approach represented in the questionnaire targeted archeological inspectors and tour guides and interview conducted with five academics and marketers experts as indirect interviews over the telephone. The main result of the research is demonstrate that the use of demarketing in tourism had been mostly unconscious and had “not been adequately recognized or actively pursued as a marketing or management tool”. The study recommends should be conducted prior to the application of demarketing strategies in the general strategic plans of tourist, destinations in Luxor, Conscious merging of demarketing into the marketing strategy of tourism products is quite important, especially those dealing with mass tourism.
