Developing Sustainable Energy-Saving Strategies in Five-Star Hotels in Sharm El-Sheikh ‎City, Egypt


Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, Egypt


The main aim of this research is to develop operational strategies for 
sustainable energy-saving in the hotel industry. Accordingly, this research 
was based on the analytical approach. The research population is the staff 
of Sharm El-Sheikh hotels in Egypt. A random stratified sample including 
managers and employees of five-star hotels was selected. Out of the 
approximately 770 questionnaires that were sent out, 532 were returned, 
and 238 were deemed invalid. The research results demonstrated the high 
level of building energy-saving strategies (BESS), staff energy-saving 
strategies (SESS), and customer energy-saving strategies (CESS). In 
addition, the results revealed that the level of building energy-saving 
strategies is moderately and positively correlated with staff energy-saving 
strategies and customer energy-saving strategies. The level of staff energysaving strategies is moderately and positively correlated with customer 
energy-saving strategies. Consequently, five-star hotels are required to 
continuously adopt sustainable energy-saving strategies in an integrated 
manner to achieve the maximum efficiency of operational performance, 
which maximizes the achievement of the hotels’ goals. Finally, this research 
presents sustainable energy-saving strategies related to the building, 
employees, and customers, which can be used as a managerial tool to 
improve the level of operational performance efficiency in the hotel industry.
