The Role of Sustainable Purchasing Practices in Achieving Sustainability and Social ‎Responsibility for Hotels


1 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University, Egypt

2 Faculty Of Tourism and Hotels, Fayom University, Egypt


A growing global interest in sustainable purchasing result from the potential 
social and environmental impact of purchasing decisions, especially in the 
hotel industry. Hotels that adopt sustainable purchasing techniques and 
practices may not achieve sustainability and social responsibility because 
they misuse them, Therefore, the study aimed to Examine the correlation 
between sustainable purchasing practices & sustainability and social 
responsibility. The study used questionnaires for hotel managers and heads 
of departments in five-star hotels (chain & independent) located in the 
governorates of Luxor and Red Sea. 270 questionnaire forms were 
distributed to the participants. After examining the questionnaires, it was 
discovered that 29 of the questionnaires were unsuitable for analysis. As a 
result, there were 241 valid responses, resulting in a response rate of 
89.26%. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS v.25) 
software was used to analyze the collected data. The result revealed that 
there is a significant and positive effect between the three dimensions of
sustainable purchasing practices (Economic practices, environmental 
practices, and Social practices) and the three dimensions of sustainability 
(Economy, environment, and Social). 
