Reflecting On Teaching and Ecovid-19: An Aggressive Digital Teaching Transformation Outbreak in Higher Hospitality Education in Cyprus

Document Type : Original Article


Internapa College 4 Griva Digeni Av, Cyprus


The purpose of this research inquiry was to reflect on: (a) how the dynamics or synergies formed by the enforced and hostile transition from traditional to online teaching and learning have affected the quality of the teaching and learning process in higher vocational education institutions in Cyprus; and (b) what the impact on teaching and learning in the post COVID-19 period has been. The DigCompEdu digital literacy framework has been used to stimulate research because of its strict and clear focus on educator-specific digital competencies. A descriptive qualitative case-study research design was used to explore the experiences of teaching staff and how they dealt with the enforced transition to online teaching. In total, 32 participants from 11 CHEIs teaching hospitality-related majors were interviewed, electronically. The data saturation point was determined by the sample size of the study. The transcription and coding of the collected data was performed using NVivo 10. The first research question identified the following emerging themes: a) the externalization of tacit aspects of digital realities knowledge, b) Collective and intelligent actions in sharing knowledge and practicing digital competencies, c) Principles of learning organization and practicing, and d) Empathy and high levels of emotional labor. The second research question revealed the following themes: a) the Changing nature of teaching and learning methodologies and approaches in hospitality studies, b) Student centered and interactive pedagogical approaches, c) Digital-based knowledge management ecosystem approach. 
