The Depictions of the Deities on the Ramesside Private Individuals Statues from the Theban Province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University, Egypt

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University, Egypt

3 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Luxor University, Egypt


One of the famous religious aspects of private individuals' Ramesside sculptures is the depictions of the deities in the statues. The gods were represented in different shapes and figures during the early 19th dynasty. The sculptor started to invent a new style of sculpture known as Naphorous statues and Naphorous block statues that collected between the normal type of block and the shrine or the small niche of the deities. These new types decorated the façade of the statues with the figures of the gods. This kind of new sculpture in the early Ramesside period indicated the relationship between the individuals as worshippers and the local deities. The sculptors of the 19th and 20th dynasties invented some additions for the block statues, such as the small figures of the gods that decorated the front of the block statues. Other private individuals' statues were represented with the small statues of the gods and goddesses, such as the holly tirade of Thebes, or with other gods and goddesses.
